Data is the new gold and
the oil of the new economy

Africa must fully benefit from the data it produces. The Africa University Network on
FAIR Open Science has been established to facilitate to support Africa-based
knowledge, economies and development based on its own heritage.
VODAN Africa Logo png

VODAN Africa

The Virus Outbreak Data Network Africa (VODAN-Africa) presents an African Approach to make data locally owned and yet interoperable. This has incredible ...

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Digital Innovation and Skills Hub

The Digital Innovation and Skills Hub (DISH) provides opportunities for all students, including those that dropped out, to learn skills, discover talents and ...

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The Globalisation, Accessibility, Innovation and Care

The Globalisation, Accessibility, Innovation and Care (GAIC) Research programme serves as an example of science ...

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GO FAIR Africa

FAIR IN Africa

The GO FAIR Implementation Network Africa (IN-Africa) is an open network and acknowledges the potential of global development in building an internet of data and services (IFDS)

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See our information about mental health care

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See our information about mental health care

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See our information about mental health care

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African University Network on FAIR Open Science

About Us

Data is the new gold and the oil of the new economy. Africa must fully benefit from the data it produces. The Africa University Network on FAIR Open Science has been established to facilitate a science to support Africa-based knowledge, economies and development based on its own heritage.
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Meet Our Patrons

H.E. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Former President, the Republic of Liberia.
H.E Fortune Charumbira, President of the Pan African Parliament
Data ownership and sovereignty are of paramount importance for African nations, institutions, and individuals to retain control and authority over their valuable data thereby ensuring its protection, integrity, and use for the benefit of the continent.

Founding Members


Our mission is to promote health and well-being for all

Does online therapy work for any disorder?

Online therapy is not recommended to treat serious disorders. However, it can be totally effective for psychological problems related to stress, anxiety, depression and psychosomatic disorders.

How often do sessions take place?

Online therapy is not recommended to treat serious disorders. However, it can be totally effective for psychological problems related to stress, anxiety, depression and psychosomatic disorders.

What happens between one session and the next?

Online therapy is not recommended to treat serious disorders. However, it can be totally effective for psychological problems related to stress, anxiety, depression and psychosomatic disorders.

How long does the whole process take?

The psychological therapy processes have a highly variable duration, which depends on multiple factors, such as the severity of the existing problems, the therapeutic goals, psychosocial environment, etc.

How much do sessions cost?

The psychological therapy processes have a highly variable duration, which depends on multiple factors, such as the severity of the existing problems, the therapeutic goals, psychosocial environment, etc.

What do I do if I cannot afford the sessions?

The psychological therapy processes have a highly variable duration, which depends on multiple factors, such as the severity of the existing problems, the therapeutic goals, psychosocial environment, etc.

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